
I’ve been interested in photography since I was a child exploring art and design; after I began to experiment with editing photos, a desire to creatively document the material world naturally followed. By the time I was 13, I had a camera in my hands almost every day. My generation was pioneering the art of “selfies” before we’d coined a term for it (and before the ease of front-facing smartphone cameras), but I was always looking for ways to be a little more creative with my photos. Three (or four?) progressively larger and more complex cameras later, I finally saved up enough to purchase a DSLR—my trusty Canon T1i.

The rest, as they say, was history. I could be spotted lugging it around school on any average day; to my friends I became the go-to person not only for reviewing writing, but also for photo (and video) needs. I taught myself the nuts and bolts of shutter speed and aperture as my eyes became further attuned to all the dances of color, light, shapes, and angles around me. Once other interests took over my world during college and grad school—and smartphone camera quality became sufficient for everyday shots—my camera became woefully underutilized. Nonetheless, over the past few years I’ve been blessed with opportunities to visit some beautiful parts of the world, rounding out the overflowing portfolio I’ve put together. I still use my first Canon, now (finally!) supplemented with a 50mm f/1.8 lens; it’s not much, as far as photographic needs go, but I make do with what I’ve got. Enjoy :)

Slideshow View:

To view my portfolio images one-by-one, browse using the arrows in the slideshow below.
(clicking anywhere else on a photo will open the corresponding Flickr page in a new window/tab)
this is the most unusual story of a most unusual girl, she's the paint in the picture of a most unusual world.

Gallery View:

Below, you may scroll through my portfolio as a gallery.
(clicking any photo will open the gallery page on Flickr in a new window/tab, where you can view larger sizes of each image)
